New Years Resolutions That Actually Work

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In the coming days, otherwise reasonable and intelligent people are going to set themselves up for failure. It’s our annual ritual of self-deception: establishing New Year’s resolutions. We’ll decide that it’s time to, “go on the wagon.” We’ll talk about cutting down our use, lowering stress, getting to the gym,

Debunking: Alcohol Is Never Good For You


In the midst of America’s opioid epidemic (roughly 72,000 deaths annually), the increased devastation caused by alcohol is being overshadowed. Our country is losing approximately 88,000 people each year to alcohol-related deaths. A recently released study from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington shows

Safety is Key to Recovery

Young Man With Hard Hat

Addiction is most often rooted in surviving trauma. For millions of us, seeking recovery is, therefore, a two-fold pursuit. Developing skills and resources that increase a sense of personal safety are vital to the pursuit of addiction recovery. The traumas of childhood abuse, domestic violence, and sexual assault often leave

Chasing the Dragon


To say that people abuse drugs/alcohol is absurd. Drugs/alcohol are inanimate objects. People and animals get abused, not objects. Addicts and alcoholics are most often those of us who found a place to hide that felt safe and liberating. Staying in that place leads to our inevitable bondage and destruction.